New Skills You Can Teach Your Kids during Their Stay at Home Period
posted on Mar 17, 2020

If you are feeling a bit overwhelmed and are struggling to keep up with the latest news coming up from all the quarters about the coronavirus pandemic, we completely understand your situation. Separating facts from fiction, keeping track of the latest developments about CoVID-19, and keeping calm: that’s all we can do at this point in time. And, if you are staying indoors, staying safe, and taking the right measures, then you are already teaching a lot of right things to your kids.
What we suggest is that you can use this time of staying at home to teach your kids a couple of new skills. Not only will it help your kids make the most of this time, but it will also help you in spending some quality time with your young ones. So, what are the skills that you can teach the kids while you are all at home? We, at Gurukul The School, have some suggestions that you can check out.
Bring out the little chef in your kid
Maybe your kid has always helped you with kitchen work, or maybe they have never really ventured anywhere near the kitchen. It is time for you to bring them into the kitchen and teach them a few simple recipes. Start with the easiest recipes so that they can remember the instructions and recreate it again soon.
Give them the right canvas to fill up
Painting or art is a form of expression, and one does not need to be a brilliant artist to engage in this form. Bring out the sketch pens, watercolors, crayons, and color pencils, and let the young artists fill up the canvas. You can let them draw freely whatever they want to, or you can get them some ideas from the internet as well.
Add new exercises to their daily routine
Regardless of whether exercise was a part of their daily routine before this or not, it can become one after this time. Introduce your children to yoga, and partake in this activity with them. Yoga is an amazing skill to have to calm the mind down and rejuvenate the body: both of which are the things we need in times like this.
Chess is an amazing way to sharpen the mind
Of course, you can teach your kids chess if you are well-aware of the details of the game yourself. But, if you are not a chess player yourself, how about learning this new skill with your kid? You will find plenty of tutorials that teach chess online, and it will be a fun learning experience for both of you.
Turn him/her into an avid reader during this time
So, you have tried and tried, but could never really get your kids to be interested in reading. Now is the time to get him/her to start reading again! Get free books from online on the topics that they find interesting, and encourage them to read. Since they are stuck at home with not much to do, they might just finally end up embracing the love for reading.
Help them understand the basics of origami
Origami is the beautiful Japanese art of folding paper into decorative figures and shapes. It is the kind of skill that helps in improving hand-eye coordination, memory, sequencing skills, patience, and attention span. With all of this, your children will also learn a really cool new skill that they can use for decorative purposes later when they need.
At Gurukul The School, recognized as the best school in Ghaziabad, we believe that teaching your kids some new skills and keeping them engaged will also make sure that the panic does not get to them, and make them restless or anxious. So try teaching the above mentioned skills to your kids and see which one he/she likes the most to learn. We, at Gurukul, wish good health and safety for you all and pray that the world recovers from this situation soon.